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가장 간단한 Abaqus Script

category CAE/Abaqus 2016. 8. 30. 09:25

모델을 열어서 job을 던지는 스트립트

os.chdir(directory_name) changes ur current working directory 
openMdb(pathName=directory_containing_cae_file) opens the cae file 
mdb.Jobs['job_name'].submit(consistencyChecking=OFF) submits the job 
mdb.jobs['job_name'].waitForCompletion() suspends the execution till the current job is finished 
mdb.close() closes the opened cae file 


연속으로 job을 던지는 batch 파일은 아래와 같다.

@echo off

rem  to run Abaqus batch mode


rem  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

set FF=CALL "abaqus"

rem  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

%FF% j=job1 int cpus=12

%FF% j=job2 int cpus=12


@echo on