Extracting Information from ANSYS, *GET command

라캉시엘 2008. 7. 9. 13:41

Programming with the ANSYS Parametric Design Language often requires
the extraction of data such as entity numbers and locations, geometric information,
results, etc. Considering the fact that a typical FEA mesh consists of
thousands of nodes and elements, the user does not usually have control
over the entity numbering. Thus, the information that nodes exist at a specific
location may be known without knowledge of their numbers. So, if the
user is interested in extracting the variation of a certain solution item along a
specific path, the aforementioned data extraction tasks must be performed.
These tasks are achieved using the *GET command. The syntax of the
*GET command is as follows:


The *GET command retrieves and subsequently stores data into parameters.
The first argument, Par, is the parameter name given by the user. The
help page for the *GET command provides a complete list of possible
argument combinations, and it is highly recommended that the user refer to
it. In order to explain the use of the *GET command, we consider the
examples given below.

• Store the maximum and minimum node numbers in the currently selected
node set in parameters maxnod and minnod:


• Store the maximum and minimum element numbers in the currently
selected element set in parameters maxel and mineh


• Store the number of nodes and elements in the currently selected node and
element sets in parameters numnod and numel:


• Store the x-, y-, and z-coordinates of the node numbered maxnod in
parameters xl, yl, and z7:


• Store the x-, y-, and z-displacements of the node numbered minnod in
parameters w2, v2, and w2:


• Store the rotations of the node numbered minnod about the x-, y-, and zaxes
in parameters r_jc, r_y, and rji:


• Store the shear stresses a^, o*^^, and cr^^ and von Mises stress a^^^ at
the node numbered maxnod in parameters s_xy, s_yz, s_xz, and s_eqv:

*GET, s__yz, NODE, maxnod, S, YZ


• Store the normal strains 6:^, Syy, and e^^ at the node numbered minnod
in parameters eps_xx, eps_yy, and eps_zz:


• Store the x-, y-, and z-coordinates of the centroid of the element numbered
maxel in parameters ce_jc, ce_y, and ce_z:


• Store the area of the element numbered minel in parameters e_area:


As an alternative to the syntax given above, one can use readily available
*GET functions that are predefined in compact form. A few of these
functions are listed in Table 7.10. For example, the x-, y-, and zdisplacements
of the node numbered minnod can be stored in parameters w2,
v2, and w2 by using the following:
