
I might also add some more advanced examplesw/downloads if there is interest and I find some time.
If you haveany comments please email-me at bwjames@usd.edu.
Start with the Welcome and proceed through the tutorial. This page is just for reference AFTER you have gone through the whole thing once.
IT is recommended that you have EXCEL running at the same time.You can try what you are reading. On an PC you can toggle back and forth between the Tutorial and Excel using the ALT-TAB. If you are using this on a Mac, switch back and forth with the finder. Using either machine, if you can tile the windows just a little you can switch back and forth by clicking on the window of the program you want to become active.
- Welcome
- What is a spreadsheet
- Why on a computer?
- Basics of a spreadsheet
- Types of Data
- Specific Formulas (or FUNCTIONS)
- copying formulas
- Formatting
- inserting a column
- inserting a row
- charts or graphing
- get ready
Choose: TRIO home I tutorials I by Brad James I bwjames@usd.edu
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